I want to highlight maybe just three key things if I can. One of them is that the U.S. Army has officially adopted the battlemind training system as a mental health training program, and I really should emphasize that the battlemind training system is a mental health training program. It was adopted by Secretary Geren about a year ago. This year it became mandated, and it consists of a variety of training modules that soldiers go through pre-deployment, during deployment, and post-deployment. I just want to highlight that aspect.
And the third aspect I want to highlight, which is probably the most important for your purposes, is that it's the only mental health training program in the world that I am aware of--certainly in all of the NATO countries--that actually has randomized group trial validation studies supporting its use. And I highlight that, because it really is evidence-based. What we've shown conclusively now in three randomized group trials is that soldiers who go through the post-deployment battlemind training system up to nine months after having received the training report fewer post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, fewer depression symptoms, and overall better transition at home.
I guess those are the things I would like to highlight, and I would just open up the rest of the time for questions from the panel.