The reservists and the National Guard in the United States also have to go through this three- to six-month post-deployment health evaluation, including the mental health screen, and they are also required to go through the second battlemind training.
Where we really stumble is with those service members who actually leave the military, because we lose track of them completely. So we don't do a really good job of following our veterans who leave military service, and we're trying to figure out a way to do that in a way that's not considered an invasion of privacy.
In terms of spouses, we do have what we call spouse and couples battlemind training, as well. We have a pre-deployment module for spouses and couples, and a module for post-deployment. Again, it follows the same principles. It's based on the strengths of the spouse, the strengths of the family, and also on the things to look out for when things aren't going well, and on knowing when to get help, either for yourself or the service member. But we don't follow their children at all.