That's a very good question. Thank you, Ma'am.
Obviously, we think that we need to take a systems approach, so we now have data showing that the pre-deployment training is effective when assessed during the deployment. We do not have good outcome data from the battlemind psychological debriefings that occur during deployment, but we have anecdotal evidence that soldiers and care providers like them, and we certainly know that the post-deployment training is effective.
So we think that we need to take a systematic approach, where we get them at every phase, because, as I pointed out, just doing one by itself doesn't reduce the rates to zero. So our goal is to get the rates as low as we can. We will probably never get to zero, but it certainly is our goal still to make them as low as possible.
I think it can be transported to Canadian Forces, because the post-deployment has been transcribed and translated to, if you will, Canadian English as opposed to American English.