That's a very good question. I probably should have started with this, given that your committee is focused on the veterans affairs.
We have been working very, very closely with the Department of Veterans Affairs. They have actually taken the battlemind training system, which we developed for active duty, and modified it for use for veterans who come to the Department of Veterans Affairs for psychological help. They have not done any systematic studies or evaluations, but they say that the soldiers....
They've used it for all the services. We developed it specifically for the army, because the army was my focus, but they have used it for marines, airmen, sailors, and of course soldiers. They all like it. It gets very high evaluations in terms of being relevant and hitting on the key issues.
One of the things we did not anticipate when we put together the battlemind training system is that it gave our service members a vocabulary to talk about mental health issues, which they were lacking. It didn't really occur to me that our soldiers didn't know how to talk about mental health issues because they lacked the proper vocabulary. So that was very, very important.