And much better-looking, yes. But I remember in my own community and extended family the impacts of the war, of people who came home and lived much shortened lives. At the time, we didn't know. We look back and we see obviously the huge impact that stress injuries had. But we were dealing with basically male soldiers of a certain age group, and we can see a pattern.
We're in an entirely new context now, with women who are in active combat. We have no idea, really, how they will respond in terms of stress injuries, mental stress problems. They're also the family caregivers at home, so there's a whole new realm that we're dealing with.
How much is the government taking this as a priority, in terms of speaking with the U.S. military about the Iraq veterans who are coming back who are women and of ensuring that we have special operational stress clinics to deal with the issues that women veterans are going to be coming back with? We are really moving into new territory.