Thank you. I think you've capsulized it well in terms of some of the challenges we face. As the former minister, you know full well that those challenges are real and ones we must meet and hopefully exceed. But I think in fairness, when you form a government that's one of the things you recognize early on. And of course that's why we doubled the number of OSI clinics, which in itself won't do the complete job in terms of your reference to the numbers, but the numbers are real, as I mentioned in my opening remarks. The numbers we've identified have escalated from 3,500 five years ago to 11,000 today, and they can't be argued.
That's one of the reasons we've doubled the number of those operational stress injury clinics across the country. In addition to that, I've talked about the support programs we have. Some of the good news out of all the bad news.... I want to say Albina, but I guess it should be Ms. Guarnieri—