It's a good question. I think the professionals we have on the ground recognize the gender differences and how treatment might apply to a man versus a woman, so I think we're very sensitive to that.
The other thing I might mention to the member, Mr. Chairman, is that of course when we were referring to Deer Lodge in 2005, the new Veterans Charter hadn't been implemented. I do know that your fingerprints are on the new Veterans Charter. Part of what we set aside in the new Veterans Charter is that new suite of programs--$744 million out of the $1.6 billion that we budgeted since having taken office. I should say that we're spending more. That's probably not the most accurate way to put it.
A lot of that is going into the very things you're mentioning, and of course the new Veterans Charter recognizes that, because there is a plan to move forward, which recognizes some of those difficulties you've outlined.