Thank you for making the effort to get out into the regions, because that has always been a concern, being from northwestern Ontario, that we can get to where the people are. It's costly to travel and everything else, and technology is going to allow us to use this method. I encourage you to continue with that. I hope you have a fine success in getting on into the regions, because it's important, as you know. First of all, when they come to you, they're coming for a reason. They're upset about something. And then the process happens and the appeal is that much more stressing. So I think it's important to provide the service wherever you can, although we realize the restrictions of travel and everything else.
One of the questions that has been talked about is the war service veterans. The number of decisions are decreasing. I assume that has a lot to do with the fact of their advanced age and that we're losing a lot every month. The other side of it is that the number of decisions you're making is greatly increasing. Is that because you have a full complement now? You have all your people in place.