In response, there are two points I'd make to you.
First, if we're going to start naming the committee rooms after committees.... We have none at the moment except the Railway Room, and there's no longer a railway committee. That name was given to it because that was the only committee that used it when it was built, and it stuck. It's not for any other reason. In fact, as you know, it's often referred to as Room 253-D, or whatever it is, and often notices come with that on them, and not the Railway Room. None of the other committee rooms have names that I'm aware of. If we name one, the pressure's going to be on us to name a bunch. Sooner or later, another committee is going to come forward and say, “This should be the Indian Affairs Committee Room”, or “This should be the Finance Committee Room”, and we're going to have names applied, and they're going to ask for the rooms to be set up in ways they want, that are specific to what they're doing.
That's number one, and that causes me some concern because we don't have enough committee rooms for all 20 committees we have. If we're going to choose which ones get names and which ones don't and which committees get a committee room named for them and which don't, it's going to create considerable difficulty, in my view, within the House.
The second thing is that if you designate the room as “this” committee, what happens if another committee comes in here and meets, and you can't get a meeting? You'd have to have your meeting somewhere else. This must happen from time to time. I know the procedure and House affairs committee recently had a filibuster that I came in here for. I saw that it was going on. If you were supposed to have had a meeting that day here, you wouldn't have had it. This must happen.
Designating one room for one committee has not been the practice of this House as long as I've been here, and I think for a very long time before that. Committees moved around and booked a room where there was one free and had their meeting there. Yes, it might be nice to say that one committee over all others has precedence in a particular room, but if you got that, you'd be the only one that would have that precedence. It would make it extremely difficult for scheduling purposes if you had a meeting scheduled for here and the other committee had to adjourn and get out because you take precedence.
You can see this creates a series of problems, in my view, for House administration that may seem minor compared with the impact you're seeking to have by doing this. I'm not speaking disrespectfully in any way about your suggestions or about what the veterans have done for Canada; don't misunderstand me. But it will create difficulties in administrative matters relating to committee meetings and where they take place and which committee takes precedence, and so on, which can create difficulties for us.
As I said at the outset, a number of years ago, when I chaired the procedure and House affairs committee, we held all of our meetings in this room, as I recall. I was not aware of any other committees holding their meetings here.
I thought we were the only ones who used the room, but it never occurred to me that we would name it the “Procedure Room” or designate it as a place where only we could meet, or anything like that. So I'm naturally very skeptical of a change that allows one committee to do things differently from others. For that reason, I ask you to look at it from that perspective.
Maybe you can avoid naming it. Maybe you can simply ask that the room be decorated in a way that's suitable, and that might work. If we start naming rooms or setting them up for one purpose only and not for others--because this room is used not just for committee meetings; there are other events that take place in this room, and I've been to receptions in here and so on--it's going to make it more difficult to operate, given the limited space we have available on Parliament Hill for committee work.
I ask you to bear that in mind in your considerations.