Thanks, Mr. Chair.
I don't think any of us wants, although it might appear so, to put you in a bad spot.
Just to clarify, leaving aside for the moment the official naming part of it, if the request came from the committee via the chair to borrow some art pieces to decorate the room, and just that for now, and if the room was—basically unofficially and by us, if nobody else—nicknamed the Veterans Room, but there was nothing official about the naming part, yet in informal practice it became that; and if over time it stuck, well, so be it. If over time it didn't stick, so be it. The only decision on your part, Mr. Speaker, would be to consider whether some appropriate art pieces could be put in here.
That's an attempt to slice the onion a little thinner. I don't mean to get ahead or behind any of my colleagues here, but sensing a bit of where this is going, I'm just wondering about that.