Maybe Madam O'Brien can explain. How did Room 362 get its designation? It's called the War Room, and Mr. Pratt has signed a plaque on the wall. He put a certificate there, along with the artwork. I'm not saying that because they got one, we should have one. We're certainly not asking to take precedence over this room. Obviously if there's a committee here and they're going to go all day, we would have to go somewhere else.
But one of the advantages of having it as the Veterans Room is this. Our committee listens to some pretty dramatic testimony, and I only wish we could share it with all Canadians at the same time. But when other MPs come in here--I think a lot of MPs are quite jealous about the way this committee works, to be honest with you, compared to some of their committees--and see what's on the walls, they may reflect upon the fact that, as Mr. Shipley said, it's not we who gave this, it was our veterans who gave it. It would enhance the discussions, I hope.
Again, I can appreciate the confusion it may cause in terms of who gets what in terms of precedence of the rooms, but I don't think that's our intent. If we had to go somewhere else, we would. People who come in here would know this is a veterans room and it has meaning. Maybe they will understand and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. I know when veterans come in here, if they see.... When you see defence officials go into Room 362, they know it's a room specifically for them and they like it. So I think it would be very appropriate to have the same for veterans.
That's my opinion. I respect your view as well, but if you can answer the War Room designation, it would be great.