To begin with, I'd like to tell you exactly what my role is. Indeed, I do work in the health care system. I'm a community organizer.
I help communities or community groups, which are in need, to improve their quality of life. I sit on mental health round tables. I don't want to speak out of turn because I'm not the director of my institution and I certainly don't want to speak on its behalf, but unfortunately, mental health really is the health care system's poor second cousin.
Secondly, shouldn't we be increasing awareness among psychology, psychiatry and mental health nursing students about these afflictions? Shouldn't we at least inform health care professionals of the existence of the Ste. Anne's Centre and establish partnerships? I think some partnerships do already exist. Take for example a doctor who is dealing with a troubled, potentially suicidal former serviceman. If the physician lacks the necessary resources in his community to adequately help such an individual, what can the Ste. Anne's Centre do?
I'm also wondering about access. Obviously, when it comes to getting health care, you always look in your immediate environment. The Ste. Anne's Centre is not accessible to all former military personnel, and this is unfortunate, but I know that there are other centres in Quebec and Canada.
So health care professionals at least need to be aware of that, so that as soon as a current or former member of the armed forces comes to see them, they will be able to help or at least refer them to those people who have the necessary expertise to be of assistance. You can't expect every health care professional to be able to help every person—and that's why there are heart institutes and the Sainte-Justine Hospital—but at least you should be able to refer people on. That alone would be helpful.
Had that occurred, Mr. Shipley, it probably would have changed what our lives became over all those years.