And how are they doing?
One reason I ask that question is that earlier there was an ombudsman's report from the Ombudsman of Ontario, who's very concerned about the children on the Petawawa base who have lost their dads or mothers in Afghanistan. They've been going through quite the psychological problems, and there's been that ping-pong between federal government responsibility and provincial responsibility.
We asked the question in the House, and Health Minister Clement said that mental health issues are a provincial responsibility. The province is saying, well, they're on a military base. So there's that grey zone. But regardless of which political party, regardless of which level of government, you would think they'd be able to get together to deal with it.
Now, they did get together, and they're working towards a solution. But my concern has always been for the children.
As adults, you're going to struggle through and you're going to get through it...and I admire your courage, sir. Keep on going. I know it's difficult, but don't give up.
Can you just reflect a bit on the children and how they're doing in all of this? Do they have an understanding that their dad is not the dad he once was? How are they coping?