Mr. Chair, once again, I've formulated a philosophy, although the exact mechanics are yet to be determined. At the risk of being premature, and I don't want to come across like I'm thinking out loud, but my intention is to have representatives from each of the generations of operations. I would omit World War I, because in fact that's Mr. Babcock and I just visited him in Spokane, and it would be a little unfair to ask him to have a representative.
I am referring to representatives from World War II, Korea, and UN operations in a generic sense, not wanting to get caught in the rhetoric regarding what peacekeeping is. It would include NATO operations and other operations in support of Canadian policy; personnel who have served on operations in support of recognized ally operations; and members of the RCMP veterans community. I would also seek to have serving members of the Canadian Forces and the RCMP, and Veterans Affairs should have a voice. At this point I would like to see a representative from the legal profession as well as the medical profession. Although I don't have firm criteria or terms of reference for selection, certainly an understanding of the veteran situation by virtue of having served in one of these wars is important. The person representing that generation would have to be familiar with the problems of the veteran. I would add that I would also accept a family member from any one of those categories to represent the plight of the veteran. It would be a highly individual process, and I would see that being the ombudsman's responsibility.