At this stage, committee members, we have some more spots available, but I think we've exhausted the questions, unless I see any people wishing to...? Okay.
We have other business to deal with potentially, with a notice of motion from Mr. St. Denis.
At this stage, Colonel Stogran, I would like to thank you very much for presenting to us today. I was touched by your mission, buddy, self motto. I was very impressed as well that you wanted to go and visit our First World War veteran, Mr. Babcock, the oldest surviving one we have, I'm sure. We certainly don't have anyone left from the Boer War or anything like that. So I was impressed by that.
My favourite politician of all time was Augustus or Octavius. He honoured the veterans of Rome tremendously, and many of his efforts brought stability to the Roman Empire. Anyhow, I think your role is very important and it's good.
I'll offer this to you as well. Thanks for coming today. The notice of motion, if Mr. St. Denis wishes to bring it forward, is very relevant. So I would say even though you're a witness, you're welcome to hang around for it, if he....