I wanted to ask this, gentlemen. Going back to the fascinating study comparing a group that didn't get VIP and was eventually institutionalized, or put into homes, I guess, more appropriately, to a group that had home care and was able to avoid being put into a home, in the measurement that we've been given today—and the measurement most easy to make is a financial one—is any measurement of the quality of life possible? Some day I'll face that music, or my family will on my behalf, I suppose. From talking to many seniors, I would imagine they are happier when they can stay home, if they don't have to go to a nursing home.
Is there any way to measure the quality of life benefit of being able to stay at home and what that means in terms of longevity, to measure the indirect benefit to your health that comes with just being in your familiar surroundings with a spouse if your spouse is still alive, or with your family and your community? Is there any measurement of that quality of life?