We've collected different levels of evidence over time. Currently, though, the evidence is being used in the context of the health care review.
The OSV program is part of the bigger picture of the health care review. The kind of evidence that we're generating would be to enter different kinds of questions, such as whether the VIP program should be more comprehensive than it is now. Through this kind of study you can help answer that question. Another question would be whether there are greater opportunities for care substitution between home care and institutional care. These are the kinds of questions we can answer, nuance questions, through a study like this, so this kind of study is actually very important for our current priority, which is the veterans services health care review.
There are different levels of evidence in terms of the quality of studies. The better the evidence, the more impact the studies can have. This study will have very good evidence, so it can have a very strong impact at Veterans Affairs and potentially in other health care jurisdictions as well.