I think it's an important area and it's one that would in fact be good to study. I think that to do that more broadly you would want to be looking at making some connections between the primary care system and the continuing care system, really to see what options there might be for physicians to be encouraged to make these kinds of house calls or to work perhaps within the home care organization.
What has happened in some home care organizations across the country is that they have contracted with physicians. I believe in one case in Toronto it was with the person responsible for family medicine in the hospital. There is a recognition that there needs to be better linkages with physicians. So if you have a home care organization that has a physician, they can link with the physicians in the hospitals to facilitate discharge, and they can link with community physicians as well, in terms of issues related to care.
So the role of physicians is very important in this, but I'm not aware of a number of circumstances where there is an actual program of home visits. I believe there are some physicians who are doing it, but I think it's limited at this point in time.
But it is an important topic, and—