We define health care broadly to include various aspects of a client's well-being. Health care is defined generally, consistent with good models of care for the elderly. It focuses more broadly on a person's capacity to function in a home and in the community, and not narrowly on what might have been considered, traditionally, medical-type health care concerns. So health is defined broadly, as it should be, for older persons.
As to the issue around studies and deadlines, and one thing or another, I can assure you that the preliminary findings and earlier information that has been collected on the study is being used for planning purposes within the veterans health services review as it's available. We don't have to wait until spring 2008 to make the research findings useful. We make them useful immediately. That's partly done by making sure there's a close working relationship between the team in Veterans Affairs that's working on the veterans health services review and the research team led by Dr. Hollander. There has been ongoing direct interaction between the two, so that findings from one can be used as soon as they're available, even if they're preliminary.
So we're not waiting for anything. We're using what we have as we move along, and we're making good use of it.