Good day, gentlemen. It is a pleasure to have francophones at the table, for once, so that we can talk a bit.
There is a consideration that touches me deeply. We talked about veterans of a certain age, but we mustn't forget our young veterans who are suffering from psychological trauma. However, I'm going to confine myself to so-called traditional veterans.
First I'd just like to give you a short history lesson. I want to send a message: on Monday, I will turn 67. So please don't forget to wish me happy birthday on December 10.
In my youth, the paternal grandparents were traditionally entrusted to the care of the eldest son and the maternal grandparents were entrusted to the care of the eldest daughter. That was the rule of thumb in Quebec society at the time.
This Quebec tradition was handed down to me, because of my venerable age. My mother-in-law died in hospital, but after her husband died, she came to live in my home. I took care of her without any government assistance. That's the way I was brought up.
But things don't work that way any more. We take old people—that's what I call them and that's what I consider myself—and we put them just about anywhere. Efforts have been made to establish a system so that these people can remain in their homes as long as possible. I approve of this system 300%, but it needs to be improved because old people are happiest in familiar surroundings.
I would now like to provide a bit of technical information to Mr. Shaw. I think that Quebec's health and social affairs system is the most advanced of all the Canadian provinces. For example, where else in Canada can you obtain assistance to build or adapt a co-generational home? Such a thing exists in Quebec. Where else in Canada can you find a system similar to that of our local community service centres, the CLSCs, that exist in Quebec and that offer health care to people in their own homes?
An intergenerational situation is difficult because many people would like to care for their parents in their homes. We can help them physically, but when they need health care, we are unable to help them because we are not experts and that is where the CLSC comes in.
I think that health care should be developed at the provincial level, with a federal tax rebate for families who provide health care to their elderly relatives, including veterans. Elderly people need home care, but we need the tools to provide it, and I think they are lacking.
Mr. Lirette, the politics 101 course that you gave earlier is highly accurate. Governments and politicians rarely think beyond the next election. They pass legislation with a view to being re-elected, instead of looking forward like any self-respecting company and trying to see where this country and this society will be in 50 years.
It is important to stay on the right track even when seeking to bring about change.
Those are the comments I wanted to make. If you wish, you may make other comments, or agree or disagree with mine.