There are always ways that you could improve programs. Certainly for the veterans themselves, it's getting access to information easily. So a single-referral access point would certainly be beneficial for the veterans themselves.
Having a multidisciplinary team approach to assessment that actually looks at early intervention in terms of health promotion as well is certainly a key, right through to the geriatrician who can look at the geriatric health care needs of older people, but it would include a social worker. So a multidisciplinary assessment team certainly would help, so that people aren't being referred to multiple sources from time to time.
The other challenge, I think, is getting assessments accepted nationally. If my mom is going to move from Montreal to Toronto, she's going to have to go through a whole new assessment process; it doesn't matter what service she needs. So there's no portability of assessment processes or acceptability of what other people do, and I think, somehow, a single referral and assessment point with national acceptability would be a good thing for veterans.