If I might make one comment or a couple of very quick comments, I certainly recognize the issue around access to medications across Canada, and it's an issue for veterans that there isn't a uniform access to medication charter in this country. It does depend on where you live as to what medications you're eligible to receive, whether they're priority one or priority two meds. I think that's an issue that does need to be addressed.
I think the other important point that needs to be recognized is that with the Second World War veterans we're talking about a cohort of people. I think you could talk to them, and probably nine out of ten would say they don't need or want for anything and their health is not as bad as John's health and they're not old. It's all relative. Most veterans today come from a background of fighting for what they have, not asking for help, and they continue not to ask for help even when they're in dire circumstances. They would probably prefer to die shovelling the snow in their driveway.
So it is an issue on how you get information out and communicate to veterans groups and organizations that people have eligibilities and access to services to support them. It's a way of packaging and selling things that is not a handout to veterans.
One of the examples I can give you is from Australia. Veterans were more comfortable paying for a service than receiving a service for free. If they were going to receive personal care at home, they would be much happier paying $5 a week than receiving that service for free, because they're not interested in receiving a handout. Australia does have a co-payment system, as low as it is, but the take-up of services is probably quite a bit higher in terms of access to services by veterans because they don't see it as a handout.
That's my comment.