All the research indicates that what you have said is true. The more the government helps us to promote health, for instance through a physical fitness program...
We have a program called "Grouille ou Rouille", 'Move or Rust", which has been in existence for 30 years without receiving any government funding. In southeastern New Brunswick, 700 people participate in this program. We have just convinced our new government just how important this program is for maintaining good health.
All the research supports what you said. The longer seniors are active and independent, the less it costs the health care system. This is a fact that is supported by research throughout the country. However, there still is not enough money in this type of health promotion.
I mentioned earlier in my presentation that in my province less than 1% of the total health care budget is spent on health promotion. The rest goes towards finding cures.
We have many exercise and health promotion programs, and forums on health. Health Canada has supported us greatly in this area. However, it seems that the federal and provincial governments do not realize that health promotion is important.
Recently, there was talk about giving us a program on elder abuse, but there was not enough money for us to develop a good national program which would mirror the one we have.
Yes, it's true, and research proves it. I can produce other research if you want showing that home care reduces the cost of health care, and this is important to seniors who wish to live independently as long as possible.