Good morning.
My name is Ron Griffis. I am the national president of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping. On behalf of our association, I thank you for inviting us here today to give a small talk.
Before I start, on November 15, 2007, I happened to be watching CPAC. At that particular time there was a debate in Parliament about the National Peacekeepers' Day Act once again, and my colleague, retired Colonel Don Ethell, had some very nice things said about him by Member of Parliament Ms. Betty Hinton. Don is not able to be with us today--he's in Calgary--and he wanted to thank her for the very kind remarks that were made on his behalf.
With respect to the veterans independence program, from my point of view, the veterans independence program is working. It's working to the extent that when Veterans Affairs finds out about a veteran's difficulty, whether it's a traditional veteran or a new veteran, Veterans Affairs reacts to that particular situation and addresses the problem as put forth by the veteran.
Most recently, a case was handed to me on December 5. Because of the sensitive nature of the case, if I had responded right away, I would have been responding from my heart, as opposed to responding from somewhere else; I contacted Veterans Affairs over the weekend, sent them an email to be addressed on Monday, and by Wednesday of this week they were on the case and interviewing the veteran who was experiencing difficulties.
It falls into the category of communication, once again. This particular veteran was 71 years of age and was unaware of the benefits available to him. He's dying from leukemia. He wanted some assistance. As I've indicated, when Veterans Affairs was notified on the Monday and first read the email, they took hold of this and were on the case by Wednesday.
Other cases are working with respect to the veterans independence program. Two of my colleagues in Greenwood, Nova Scotia, had difficulties in their homes with respect to the special equipment that assists them in living in their homes. Within five days of being notified of that difficulty, Veterans Affairs Canada had rectified it.
The new Veterans Charter advisory group, chaired by Muriel Westmorland of Hamilton, Ontario, will be addressing the veterans independence program and the health care review, and I believe there will be a report in April as a result of that particular committee.
Some of the difficulties with respect to the veterans independence program are the time limits. As I mentioned just a few minutes ago, the time limits with respect to a couple of cases were very quick and to the point. By the same token, sometimes Veterans Affairs Canada is a little slow to react, but in the last couple of years that has been addressed, and they are certainly reacting very quickly when a problem is brought to their attention.
The only complaint we have is that from time to time there is difficulty with the application system and the time limits having to with an application once it is put forth to VAC. Sometimes they're a little slow, but by the same token, things are working out quite well.
I don't have much to say with respect to the review of veterans' care needs. I am on a subcommittee chaired by Don Ethell, and the major committee, the new Veterans Charter advisory group, as I mentioned, is chaired by Muriel Westmorland. That particular subcommittee just started earlier this month, and once again we hope to have a report by April with respect to the health care review concerning the new Veterans Charter.
I have before me the note from Mr. Duffie. This is the gentleman who is passing away...or who is in serious difficulty with respect to leukemia.
As I indicated, it's a communication problem. And I think it's a communication problem with a lot of veterans.
Mr. Duffie joined the force and he said he wouldn't whine. Yet it has come to this situation where it's getting a bit beyond him with respect to the financial problems. Now that he's 71 years old and he's experiencing health difficulties, he's making an application. But by the same token, if there had been more communication earlier for Mr. Duffie, I'm quite certain this would have been addressed earlier. As it is, he's 71 years of age, and he has leukemia, which requires a great deal of medical care. It's just too bad that it wasn't addressed much earlier.
I have the note from Mr. Duffie, which I'm quite prepared to leave with you.
Other than that, as I indicated, our organization is content that the veterans independence program, generally speaking, is working very well.