I find if there is a lack of documentation with respect to an injury or with respect to a claim, if that claim is examined by a person with knowledge of the particular employment of the claimant, that could assist the claimant.
I'll give you an example. If a person spent a great many years in a ceremonial unit and had occasion to fire the older weapons, the FNC1 and the .303, at shoulder height, and explained this, a young person today, although they're very well educated, would say he was just firing a gun, but in those days no hearing aids or noise aids were provided. If a person who had that type of experience could examine the claim and address it from that point of view.... It's like going to an orthopedic surgeon. If you go there with a bone problem, he'll help you out; if you go there with a blood pressure problem, perhaps he would send you to another specialist.
As I've indicated, for instance, if a person is always doing the 21-gun salutes on Parliament Hill, or whatever number of gun salutes they have, and we had a person who had knowledge of that particular activity and could identify with it, then certainly that would be a way to go.