You explain from a historical perspective the First and Second World Wars, and even the Korean War and other conflicts. However, do you also delve into the different causes of such conflicts?
The Second World War and the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq are not comparable. They are very different types of conflicts and our reasons for being involved are different as well. Do you also take the time to explain this to people?
My question may be similar to the one asked by Ms. Sgro earlier. When you do a presentation, do you explain the causes of war and how war can be avoided? Perhaps these are topics that you should be broaching. School violence is on the rise. Taxing is a major problem in schools. I know that when conflicts arise, parties often turn to mediation. A number of conflict-avoidance techniques can be employed, such as intervention and peer support. Much work is being done in this area. Do you address t any of these issues?
I'm curious, because I know that there have been many tribal wars in African and that mediation was used for conflict resolution purposes. I was wondering if you advocate this technique at all?