In at least the next two to three years, we're really going to be making an effort to get to that next generation of veterans, those veterans that we may have not made the same effort to reach six or seven years ago, when the real effort was made to get the Second World War and Korean War veterans involved. There are our UN peacekeepers, and we'll work on the post-Korean War veterans.
I think a real effort for the future of this program is going to lie in engaging the CF men and women. I think we have great support from the general right on down, through General Leslie. They really have bought into this idea that the stories of our men and women currently serving are just as important as those of the veterans themselves.
When you're talking about military history, the link that can be made through the generations is, I think, a really interesting one for teachers. Again, I think this all comes back to the idea that teachers have to teach this in school anyway. The Second World War, the Korean War, and peacekeeping are all part of the unit in history, but the more that Afghanistan is on the front pages, as someone mentioned earlier, the more teachers are going to want to incorporate that into their classrooms.
So you can take on something that has happened currently and then have somebody who was involved with that campaign, or at least very closely associated with it, come in and talk about it from a current perspective. Then you can have somebody like Mr. MacDonell come in a few months later and say, okay, students, let's try to compare these experiences a little bit. They may be separated by 60 years. Somebody may look quite old and somebody may look quite young, but you can ask the same questions. What was it like to leave home? What was it like to work as part of a team? What was it like to fight for freedom? All of those experiences are very similar.
At first glance they may look very different, but again, I think the future of the project is going to be in engaging that next generation and having them work as much as we can now with the older generations, such as Mr. MacDonell's.