--and they would be prepared to partner as well on something with HMCS Haida. Of course, the HMCS Star is there as well, at the reserve base. They kind of steward the ship, along with the friends of HMCS Haida.
That's all I have. I'm very grateful, like the rest of the committee, that you showed up here today. We're grateful that you invited us to the breakfast and we got a little bit of a taste--enough of a taste that we wanted to have you here. Then, of course, you were also here on the Senate side with the other project you run, Passages. We went over there and visited you as well, so we're getting quite a heavy dose of the Dominion Institute.
We're grateful, Mr. MacDonell, again, for your service and for what you do.
Also, again, we're grateful to the Dominion Institute, not just for the Memory Project, but for the fact that you have decided it's important enough to have an institute to maintain the overall memory of Canadian history. You're doing it very well, with class and professionalism, and you've educated us on another dimension of it. On behalf of the committee, thank you very much.
We're going to take a short minute now, because I'm certain most of the committee members would like to shake your hands and thank you.