Rehabilitation, by its very nature, is about working with an individual and their family, and certainly recognizing that the family needs to be part and parcel of any kind of rehabilitation moving forward.
Case management provides that kind of stabilizing influence, that one point of contact, where the case manager can work with their client, work with external community resources, work with professionals involved in the care of the veteran and the family, and help them navigate through the system, advocate for them in times when that is necessary, help them establish goals, and help them determine what kinds of intervention need to be in place to get them help. That personal relationship with the case manager is paramount.
In terms of working with the family, it's certainly recognized that when we have some of the complex veterans health needs we see before us, families--children and spouses--will be impacted because of the very nature, in particular, of the mental health types of impacts.
To achieve that comprehensive, integrated kind of approach that the rehabilitation program provides, case management is the means by which we do that.