If you had asked me that several years ago, I would have probably told you that it's much more prevalent in CF veterans. I'm not so sure that's the case any more. It's interesting to see, as war service veterans reach a certain point in their lives, that they start to reflect back on their lives, as we probably all will do at some point, and it seems that as they do that, they start bringing up some of the traumas that occurred when they were younger and that have been repressed for up to 60-plus years.
In fact, there was a study in Australia on Korean veterans. It was really quite astonishing how many Korean veterans, 60 years after the fact, who had apparently lived very successful lives, what one would call very stable lives, and had families, reached a point in their lives where they started to reflect back, and suddenly all these symptoms started to show up and they became clinically diagnosed with PTSD.
So I'm not sure, to answer your question, but I do think what is happening is that there is greater data now, which shows that PTSD, within the military, can show up at any time, either very early on or 60-plus years later.