Good afternoon.
I have a few questions. With regard to trauma and operational stress. Have you developed, through years of research, ways of further preventing operational stress in the people we send on military missions?
With the new charter, we see that you have developed rehabilitation programs to help veterans with operational stress. What results have you achieved?
We're talking about mental health problems. Are there any other mental health problems found among former military members apart from operational stress? What are those types of diseases? In Quebec, how do you cooperate, for example, with the CLSCs, which provide front-line services?
I know very well that stakeholders have expertise with regard to certain mental illnesses, but others have less. Do you provide training for specialists, caseworkers, psychologists through health facilities in Quebec and Canada to enable those professionals to provide services to these people near where they live?
We talk about people in rural areas who often have to travel very far to access services. What are you doing in that regard? Do you have any projects to improve the quality of services for those persons?