Would you have a figure on how many people have applied and been turned down a first time? Of course on the letter it says you always have an appeal, but they may not appeal, because they're of the generation that understands that if the government says no the first time, they figure there's no hope. Do you have a figure for how many of those people wouldn't have appealed in that process?
Also, the Royal Canadian Legion has written all of us and has indicated concerns on the living charter in terms of the lump sum payment. That possibly could be looked at. Some veterans are asking for a lifelong pension instead. I wonder if you could address that issue.
Also, I have two people in my riding--in Dartmouth, actually--who went through psychiatric treatment. They were both determined to be cleared, but their children were denied further assistance because the parents were no longer receiving psychiatric help. Since the parents were no longer receiving psychiatric help, that help was cut off for their children. We've heard in testimony that PTSD and symptoms of that nature could be transferrable, but unfortunately their children were denied further assistance in that regard.
The other concern I'm getting in fair numbers relates to asbestos on ships. I have about a dozen cases on my desk from across the country of people who were denied asbestosis claims. We know now that there was asbestos on the ships in the 1940s and 1950s.
There is also the matter of hearing loss. As you know, after the court case a few years ago, DVA was forced to go back and contact all those people who had claimed hearing loss and were denied. I wonder if you can tell us how that process is going and whether it is almost finished.
Last but not least are the hospitals. As you know, the hospitals under DVA--which are now provincially run, except for Ste. Anne's--are for World War II and Korean veterans. What are the plans for those hospitals when the vast majority of those individuals have passed on? Do you plan to open them up for more modern-day veterans, or what would be the proposed plan in that regard?
Thank you very much. I have more, but I'll be cut off very soon. Thank you.