On the hospital issue, you indicated they want to stay longer in their homes, but in Halifax there's quite a waiting list, and there's a three-tier process to get in. If you're absolutely correct that most of the veterans want to stay near their homes, why would we have such a massive waiting list to get into one facility and a three-tier process to get in? In reality, there simply are not enough nursing homes in areas like Atlantic Canada to facilitate that.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you didn't say the hospitals may not have a long-term future 20 years from now, but I hope that's not what you're indicating. Ste. Anne's does a wonderful job in Quebec, as does Camp Hill and others, even though they're provincially run and federally funded. I would hate to see the demise of those institutions if we go to more community-based ones. There's nothing wrong with community-based hospitals for those who want them, but the reality is the vast majority of veterans I talk to on a regular basis love Camp Hill. They would love to be able to get into Camp Hill, but they can't because of the eligibility restrictions.