We'll begin our meeting now. Other members will arrive. I know there has been some delay due to votes.
We have three witnesses here from Veterans Affairs Canada. I also want to tell you that we'll have some time for business at the end of this meeting. I'm concerned because one of the debates about business will be what we'll use for all the contributions for a gift for the clerk. I wonder how long that will take. We'll suspend at 5:15 for committee business, if that pleases the committee.
Right now we'll go to the officials, Darragh Mogan, Brenda MacCormack, and Doug Clorey, from Veterans Affairs Canada.
Do all of you have opening statements, or just one person? Mr. Mogan, you have an opening statement?
I think you know the tradition of the committee. We give you 10 to 15 minutes for an opening statement, and then we'll go by rotation of party for questions.
You may begin.