I guess we cannot assume that for everybody. We know from the statistics that not everybody will develop operational stress injuries, even following some difficult combat situations. However, I believe there is a greater understanding in the Canadian Forces, and there are more and more steps and tools in place to prevent that.
I would like to mention the third-location decompression. When soldiers come back from Afghanistan they stop at a third location to decompress for five days. A lot of education is provided. Our peer support coordinators are there. Cyndi Muise has been there as a coordinator on the TLD, and I'll bring her in to talk about that.
The post-deployment screenings have been improved. The follow-ups have been improved. That's under the Canadian Forces Health Services and not so much about OSISS--that's not our piece of the pie. As I said, we're one piece in a big puzzle. There have been a lot of improvements in these tools and these ways of screening individuals.
If I may, I'd like to let Cyndi Muise talk about the third-location decompression and her role.