There are different types of contract beds. And it depends on the agreement we had with the province or the facility at the time the beds were transferred to the province.
In a place like your area, Soldiers Memorial Hospital is a facility that has 25 contract beds in it. Those contract beds are for veterans only; civilians can't get into those beds. We pay the full cost of those beds. The programming is essentially the same as the programs in the provinces.
As for other contract beds, if you go to B.C., the deal with B.C. was that when we transferred the facilities to them, they took the facilities. We have a number of beds that we have priority access to, contractually, and we don't pay any extra for those beds. So the province contributes to them, as they would for any other bed. The resident contributes. We ensure that the resident pays a standard $856 and we don't pay any more.
In some places in Atlantic Canada, the agreement was that we pay the full operating cost--Soldiers Memorial, Camp Hill, Taigh Na Mara, places like that which you might be familiar with. It's the same situation with some other big ones in Ontario--Sunnybrook, Perley Rideau here in Ottawa, and the Parkwood Hospital in London. Those are the big ones that we pay, and veterans have a priority access to those facilities. In some of them we offer specialized programming based on the needs of the veteran profile in that area.