Mr. Chair, it goes back to the days of the notes that were being prepared for submission to the minister regarding all of the things that the department is doing for the homeless. Included on that list are such things as the in-home care for the veterans independence program. My advice was that this was truly an embellishment of what is happening on the ground, and on September 20, 2008, I met with one of the regional directors and I suggested at that time that what is needed is education and information sessions between the department and the various homeless shelters, and posters and pamphlets to the individuals. That was the advice.
As I tour across the country, I see that these things have not manifested themselves. Their presence has not manifested itself. Right here in Ottawa, within walking distance of this very building, there are six homeless shelters, and about a month ago they had still not heard from Veterans Affairs. There was no presence, and if there had been some contact made--that may be the case--it was ineffective in that the staff did not know of the initiative to engage with the homeless community.