Thank you, Mr. Chair.
When I asked you earlier about independence, I wasn't questioning your personal independence, because it's pretty clear you're acting in an independent way. I'm talking about the independence of the office of the ombudsman. One of the hallmarks of independence, particularly in public offices like yours, is the security of tenure. In my home province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the ombudsman, who is appointed by the House of Assembly, did have at one time, when it existed before, a 10-year term. The recent revision of that office of ombudsman made it a six-year term, renewable for a further six years.
I just wonder what the length of your appointment as ombudsman is. Is it considered to be renewable, unless there's some...? Are you serving at pleasure or are you serving under good behaviour, or is there some other constraint on your office that would indicate to us whether you're being given a position of some independence?