There are a couple of things.
First of all, I don't know the exact levels, but I can tell you that there is a difference in the classification levels between the DND ombudsman and the Veterans Affairs ombudsman. As to whether one is classified at level 2 or level 6, I couldn't give you that fine a sense.
What we all need to understand is that in government the amount paid to people, whether they be order-in-council appointees or whether they be public servants such as I am, is based on a classification system, and there is a methodology for deciding.
For example, just by way of comparison, if you look at various legal tribunals and various boards, whether or not they're GICs, not everybody who serves on a government board gets the same paycheque. There's a system that determines the complexity, the consequence of error, decision-making, the number of staff you have, etc.
I can only presume that in the case of the ombudsmen, whether DND's or others', they have somewhat different roles and a different responsibility, and that those who make those decisions have in fact judged that GIC-2—I think that was the number you referred to—is an appropriate level, based on the roles and responsibilities of that person, as compared with—