The relationship between the ombudsman and the minister is very clear. He gives a report to the minister. I or other officials do not see it. It goes to the minister. Then it will be published. The officials of the department are not involved with vetting, nor are we involved with saying “that shouldn't be in the report” or those sorts of things.
I have to tell you, though, and going back to another honourable member's question, that I want to make sure we're not mixing up apples and oranges, because there are what one might call reports, or papers, that he puts out and that don't go to the minister. He may eventually send them to the minister, but he will send to the department observations that he feels are concerns in certain areas and we will respond to those. Whether he then decides to take it to the minister is his prerogative. We have no intervention between him and the minister. The discussions he has are between him and the minister. He is outside. He is independent of the management of the department.