I say this as an observation, not necessarily as a question. I know my committee went to Charlottetown, and you're right: the people on the front lines in Kirkland Lake and B.C. and right across the country do an outstanding job within the framework of the legislation they are able to work with.
It's quite obvious that in a year and a half, the veterans ombudsman department has been smothered by thousands of concerns. We all get those calls as well, and I'm sure all of us have recommended various cases to the ombudsman. There has to be a problem then within the DVA for the veterans ombudsman to have been created, and for literally thousands of people to have gone to him or to that department with either a 30-second complaint or a much more involved one, on either Agent Orange or something of that nature. Has the department looked at that and asked whether, if this person's getting this many concerns from the department, there is something the department can be doing to streamline that process to alleviate the pressure?