Thank you. Those are good questions.
I hope I answer them all satisfactorily, Mr. Chairman, because they're complicated questions, only in the sense that there's a lot of detail surrounding much of this.
Ste. Anne's Hospital is the only veterans hospital in Canada. It's the only one left. There are about 416 beds in the hospital. It's long-term care for veterans. It has gone through major renovations. In fact, the first question that I had on the floor of the House of Commons as a minister three years ago was on the renovations. The Government of Canada invested well over $100 million in that hospital.
As well, a lot of the work, the cutting-edge work, that we do on post-traumatic stress disorder is done at that hospital. That's really the centre of excellence for this type of work that's carried on throughout the country.
In terms of Quebec itself, we do have a an OSI clinic in the city of Quebec and we also have one, obviously, in Montreal at Ste. Anne's. The only residential treatment clinic that we have, a resident clinic, is at Ste. Anne's. Truly, that's really the heart and centre of everything we do in operational stress injury. That's where the expertise lies. A lot of the cutting edge programs that we deliver have actually been designed at Ste. Anne's. It has an important role to play in the delivery of that service to our clients.
What part of the question, Mr. Chairman, have I not answered? I just want to make sure that I've answered.