You're absolutely right, Mr. Chair. The discussion was around not just the Last Post Fund, which does assist many veterans in getting a proper headstone in their final burial place, not just at Beechwood, but right across the country. The problem was that there just weren't enough funds in the Last Post Fund in order to do that. Of course, what happens to the older headstones that may have been damaged or have fallen down, or where the inscription was not done properly? What about the repair on that? It's fallen upon a lot of volunteer groups in small communities across the country: the Legion, the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans, etc. That was one of the things.
Also, one of the discussions, sir, is that because Ste. Anne's Hospital does such a great job working on behalf of veterans, it being the only federal hospital in the country for veterans, I know that Rob and I had a discussion in regard to seeing Walter Reed Hospital in the United States and what they do with their returning veterans from, for example, Afghanistan, and doing a comparison, but that was further down the road.