Thank you again, gentlemen, for coming here today and being patient with our getting here.
Certainly I commend you on your fiscal management, and in fact, as a fiscal conservative and business owner for my whole life, I know there are always better ways to do things, and you can improve at all times. The thinking that just because you add more money means you provide more is totally not in my vocabulary of how you operate efficiently and effectively. So thank you for doing a fine job in dealing with this and also delivering—as we saw when we were in Charlottetown—the superb service to our veterans, making sure no one falls between the cracks and everyone gets the level of service you're committed to.
My question really revolves around the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, because as you know, we've talked about this in past meetings recently. I just want to know what effects the creation of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman may have in terms of the goals as you have outlined them. Has that office had any effect on these objectives?