Quite a number.
As you know, we provide learning materials to schools. First of all, at the most basic level, we track the orders placed by teachers, and that's a good indication of what they think of the materials, because we don't provide them in bulk without request. They have to order the material. Then within each of the packages we send to teachers we include an evaluation form. We receive a surprising number of those evaluation forms back, because some people of course don't have the time or don't take the time to fill those out and provide us feedback, but many do. The feedback we've been receiving is that the materials are a tremendous improvement over what had been provided some years ago, very positive feedback on what teachers consider to be the effectiveness of the materials themselves.
We also work with the provincial ministries of education, who of course set the curricula for the school systems across the country, and as we are developing the materials we provide the schools, we ensure that they meet the keys for the provincial curricula across the country. We apply for certification of our learning materials as either core curricular materials--that's our dream--or official curriculum support materials in the provincial ministries of education. Our success in many cases was having them officially recognized or even required by the provincial ministries of education for use in schools.