To say that we don't have any would be misleading. Actually, I think it's a continuing issue because, as you say, with each individual case it's probably different, and each has to be assessed on its own merits.
Our case managers are trained social workers who are trained in dealing with the new processes under the charter. One of the things we try to do right up front is establish a contract with the individual. There's a contractual relationship whereby the individual says, “This is what I want to achieve out of my rehab program and this is what I'm committed to do to help make that happen”. That's a new tool, if you like, that helps us in this regard.
But there is a strong recognition that you're talking about people here. You're talking about people who for years and years and years in the system would have bent over backwards to do everything possible for our veterans. They still will, but they have to learn that in this new environment you really are helping them in a better way if you can get them to focus on their transition. I think we're making good progress in that regard, but it's not perfect yet.