Good morning, Mr. Ferguson. Good morning, Mr. Mogan.
I listened to your presentation on the new charter. I see that you are the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, Programs and Partnerships, Mr. Ferguson. My question is a bit beyond the charter debate, but it does pertain to veterans. This subject matter is a concern of mine at present. I don't know if you will be able to give me an answer. I'll go ahead, since we have experts here with us.
I would like to know how the funds allocated to health care programs for veterans are broken down in the provinces. In Quebec, for example, health care is provided for veterans. Most services are delivered by the Department of Veterans Affairs; services are delivered by CLSCs in some regions and by long-term care centres in others.
How are these funds allocated? In what sectors does the Department of Veterans Affairs provide funding? I don't know if you can give me an answer.