I guess there are a lot of parallels to my way of thinking in a community that I've spent a lot of time in, the community of people with special needs, often with disabilities that aren't so severe that they cannot work 20 hours a week. They may not be able to work 40 hours a week. In this case, they're generally in fairly menial work, but having said that, I will say that it improves their self-image so much. It helps them so much.
Often the way to get them into a work environment is to provide an incentive to the employer to consider this person in that work environment. I'm not suggesting subsidizing wages, but even a tax incentive program of some sort can facilitate this. To me, it's just another tool in your tool box.
I'm suggesting that the program look at this possibility because there are a lot of people who do desire to work, although maybe not full time because they're not able to focus that long. Maybe it's a way to still get them out there and into meaningful work. Again, there are all the self-image benefits that go along with that. As for overcoming other problems, an employer may say they need someone full time, not part time, or that type of thing. This is just another idea.
I also wanted to comment on the chart. In the deck, it's on page 13.