Just in conclusion, as we look to the future, we'll continue to look for ways to run our programs better, for synergies. We'll continue to improve existing programs.
We look for new projects. One of our big challenges is using the new tools of social media to reach young people. Young people are very important to what we do, not just in terms of military education, but also voter education. We're very interested, wearing our democracy hat, in the turnout among young people in voting. Their voting turnout, of course, is dropping; it's less than the national average, and it's one of those things we hope to address.
We lead advocacy campaigns related to history and citizenship and to anniversaries. We're very big on anniversaries. We think Canadians should remember. As we all know, there's a very big anniversary coming up next April and May--the 65th anniversary of the end of the war. We will be working in particular with the Dutch embassy here in Ottawa and the government of The Netherlands in celebrating and observing the liberation of Holland by Canadian Forces in 1945.
We'll also be looking beyond that. We'll be looking at the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Navy, which takes place next year. Also, the War of 1812, for those of you who are interested, will be one of our newer projects. That 200th anniversary is coming up in 2012.
So that is the future. We thank you for the opportunity to appear before you and we're now open to questions.