Remembering the post-Korean war veteran is a really important point. With Veterans Affairs Canada and the contribution agreement that we're in the middle of right now, in our second year of a three-year agreement, the focus over that three years is to engage more post-Korean war veterans to become speakers in the speakers' bureau and to at the same time encourage teachers to request those same veterans to come into their classrooms. So it's kind of to take a metric with maybe 70% or 80% Second World War veterans--and after three years it would be down to about 50%--but to take post-Korean war veterans up from 10% or 20% to about 40%.
It's an important thing. I go to peacekeeping ceremonies each year. We have a great relationship with the Canadian Association of Veterans in UN Peacekeeping. I get more and more teachers requesting personnel who are currently serving to come in and speak about their experiences.
I think one of the great points that teachers have made to us over and over again is that it would be useful to be able to compare the generations, to compare the conflicts, by having a 30-year-old veteran come in and have a 90-year-old veteran come in and talk a little bit about the similarities and differences in that experience and what young people can learn about that. There are more similarities than differences, a lot of kids find, so that is a real goal of ours, we feel, to reach out to that group of veterans. They're really important to the project.